Understanding Binary Data in JavaScript: Blob, File, ArrayBuffer, DataView, Typed Arrays, and Buffer

What’s the fuss all about?

Working with binary data in JavaScript might seem daunting at first, but it’s a powerful capability that enables you to handle everything from image processing to file uploads and network communication with ease. In this blog, we'll explore six important concepts:

  • Blob

  • File

  • ArrayBuffer

  • Typed Arrays

  • DataView

  • Buffer

Each of these plays a unique role in managing and interacting with binary data. Let’s break them down one by one.

1. Blob: The Building Block of Binary Data

What is a Blob?

A Blob (Binary Large OBject) is an immutable object that represents raw data—usually in the form of binary data. Think of a Blob as a sealed envelope that contains data. You might not know the exact contents until you “open” it (i.e., process or read it), but you can be confident it holds the information exactly as it was delivered.

Key Characteristics:

  • Immutable: Once a Blob is created, you cannot modify its content directly.

  • Raw Data: It can represent data in various formats such as images, videos, or even text.

  • Slicing: You can create a new Blob by slicing a portion of an existing Blob without copying the data unnecessarily.


Imagine you have a sealed envelope with a letter inside. You can pass the envelope around, copy the envelope (by making a photocopy), or even cut out a section from the envelope, but the contents remain unchanged until you open it.

Example Usage:

const text = "Hello, world!";
const blob = new Blob([text], { type: 'text/plain' });

console.log(blob.size); // Size in bytes
console.log(blob.type); // "text/plain"

2. File: A Specialized Blob

What is a File?

A File is essentially a specialized type of Blob. While a Blob is a generic container for binary data, a File represents data from the file system, enriched with additional metadata like the file name and last modified date. This makes File ideal for tasks such as uploading files from a user’s computer to a server.

Key Characteristics:

  • Metadata: In addition to binary data, it includes properties like name, lastModified, etc.

  • Interchangeable with Blob: Since File inherits from Blob, all Blob methods and properties are available on a File object.


If a Blob is like a sealed envelope containing a letter, a File is like a sealed envelope that also has a label on it, indicating the sender, the recipient, and the date it was sent. This extra information is useful for identifying and handling the file appropriately.

Example Usage:

// Typically obtained from an <input type="file"> element
const fileInput = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
fileInput.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
  const file = event.target.files[0];
  console.log(file.name);       // File name
  console.log(file.lastModified); // Last modified timestamp

3. ArrayBuffer: The Raw Container for Binary Data

What is an ArrayBuffer?

An ArrayBuffer is a generic, fixed-length container for binary data. It’s like a storage box that can hold a certain number of bytes. However, an ArrayBuffer itself doesn’t have methods to access or manipulate its contents—you need to create a "view" to interact with the data stored inside.

Key Characteristics:

  • Fixed Length: Once created, its size cannot be changed.

  • Binary Data Storage: Ideal for handling raw data that will be processed later.

  • Requires a View: You need typed arrays or DataView to read or write to an ArrayBuffer.


Picture an ArrayBuffer as a large shipping container. The container is full of boxes (bytes), but you can’t tell what’s inside each box until you open them with the right tool (a view).

Example Usage:

// Create an ArrayBuffer with a size of 16 bytes
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
console.log(buffer.byteLength); // 16

4. Typed Arrays: Specialized Tools for Interpreting Binary Data

What are Typed Arrays?

Typed Arrays are views that provide a way to read and write multiple numbers in the binary ArrayBuffer. They interpret the binary data as a specific data type, such as 8-bit integers, 32-bit floats, etc. Examples include Uint8Array, Int16Array, Float32Array, and more.

Key Characteristics:

  • Typed Interpretation: They define a type and size for each element.

  • Performance: They allow for efficient processing of binary data.

  • Direct Connection to ArrayBuffer: They don’t copy the buffer; they provide a window into it.


If an ArrayBuffer is a shipping container, Typed Arrays are like a set of specialized tools (screwdrivers, wrenches, etc.) that let you access and manipulate the contents in a structured way, where each tool is designed to work with a specific type of component.

Example Usage:

// Create an ArrayBuffer and a typed array view on it
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
const uint8View = new Uint8Array(buffer);

// Fill the typed array with values
for (let i = 0; i < uint8View.length; i++) {
  uint8View[i] = i * 2;


5. DataView: The Flexible Reader/Writer for ArrayBuffer

What is a DataView?

The DataView provides a low-level interface for reading and writing multiple number types in an ArrayBuffer without being constrained by the specific data type of Typed Arrays. It’s particularly useful when you need more control over the data, such as dealing with different endianness (byte order) issues.

Key Characteristics:

  • Flexibility: You can read and write various data types at arbitrary byte offsets.

  • Endianness Control: Allows you to specify the byte order when reading or writing data.

  • Not Type-Specific: Unlike Typed Arrays, it does not assume a specific data type for the whole view.


Think of DataView as a multi-tool that can adapt to any situation. While Typed Arrays are like specialized tools that only work in one way, DataView is like a Swiss Army knife—versatile, letting you switch between different functions (reading as 16-bit integer, 32-bit float, etc.) as needed.

Example Usage:

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
const dataView = new DataView(buffer);

// Set a 32-bit integer at byte offset 0
dataView.setInt32(0, 42, true); // The 'true' indicates little-endian

// Get the 32-bit integer from byte offset 0
const value = dataView.getInt32(0, true);
console.log(value); // 42

6. Buffer: Node.js’s Native Binary Data Type

What is a Buffer?

In Node.js, the Buffer class is used to work with binary data directly. Unlike browsers that use ArrayBuffer and its related views, Node.js provides Buffer as an efficient way to handle streams of binary data, such as file I/O operations or network communications. Buffers are designed to work with binary data in an optimized manner and provide many utility methods for conversions and manipulations.

Key Characteristics:

  • Optimized for I/O: Buffers are particularly useful for reading from or writing to streams, files, or sockets.

  • Mutable: Unlike ArrayBuffer, Buffers are mutable, meaning you can change their contents.

  • Utility Methods: Node.js Buffers come with a rich set of methods to convert to and from strings, JSON, and other data types.

  • Global in Node.js: The Buffer class is available globally in Node.js without the need to require it explicitly (in newer versions), although in older versions you might have seen it imported via require('buffer').


Imagine a Buffer as a highly efficient workbench designed specifically for assembling and disassembling parts (binary data) quickly. It’s like having a specialized assembly line that not only holds parts but also comes with all the tools needed to adjust and convert those parts on the fly.

Example Usage:

// Create a Buffer from a string
const buf = Buffer.from('Hello, Node.js!', 'utf-8');

// Convert the Buffer back to a string
console.log(buf.toString('utf-8')); // Outputs: Hello, Node.js!

// Allocate a buffer of 10 bytes and fill it with values
const allocBuffer = Buffer.alloc(10);
for (let i = 0; i < allocBuffer.length; i++) {
  allocBuffer[i] = i;


Bringing It All Together

In the world of JavaScript and Node.js, handling binary data is like managing a well-organized toolkit:

  • Blob and File are high-level constructs used primarily for storing and transferring binary data. A File is a Blob with added metadata.

  • ArrayBuffer is your raw container—a fixed-length block of binary data.

  • Typed Arrays act as specialized instruments that allow you to interact with the ArrayBuffer data in a structured way, each designed for a particular type of number.

  • DataView is your versatile multi-tool that provides granular control over the data stored in an ArrayBuffer, especially when handling data that requires various interpretations.

  • Buffer in Node.js is your native, optimized workbench for binary data, specifically designed to efficiently handle I/O operations and data manipulation in a server-side environment.

By understanding these components, you can confidently handle a wide range of tasks—from processing files and images in the browser to performing high-performance binary data operations on the server.


Grasping these core concepts of binary data manipulation in JavaScript is essential for modern web and server-side development. Whether you’re processing large images, handling file uploads, or working with network streams, knowing when and how to use Blob, File, ArrayBuffer, Typed Arrays, DataView, and Buffer will empower you to build more efficient and robust applications.

Hopefully, this detailed exploration helps demystify these tools, making them as accessible as everyday utensils in your developer toolbox. Happy coding!